Release Notes
Release Notes (NetSuite)
To learn how to update the bundle visit: Updating the Bundle
March 12, 2025
The Receivables module is now available in pilot. For more information, please contact your City National Bank representative.
February 12, 2025
General improvements and bug fixes.
January 15, 2025
General improvements and bug fixes.
January 15, 2025
We’ve enhanced the Apply Bill Credit dialog to improve clarity and streamline the user experience. These updates ensure that all relevant financial details are displayed clearly, making it easier for you to review and apply bill credits.
The discount on the Pay Vendor Bills page is now calculated based on the Original Amount of the bill. This update ensures that the discount calculation is in alignment with standard accounting practices, providing greater accuracy and consistency in your vendor payments.
Fixed an issue on the Balances and Transactions page where the "Last Updated" information was not reflecting the correct sync time for intraday and previous day balances. This fix ensures that the "Last Updated" now reflects the correct sync time, ensuring improved visibility to your bank account data.
We've resolved an issue in the Confirm Payment pop-up where the bank accounts in the source account drop-down were partially hidden when only one payment method was selected. This fix ensures that the source account drop-down is fully visible and displays all bank accounts, regardless of the number of payment methods selected.
We've resolved an issue where the plugin was displaying inconsistent currency formats across pages. This fix ensures that all pages now adhere to the user's preferred currency format, providing consistency and accuracy throughout the plugin.
December 11, 2024
We’ve added a “Powered by FISPAN” logo to the CNB plugin footer. This addition acknowledges FISPAN’s collaboration with CNB to deliver a seamless banking experience within NetSuite.
November 13, 2024
Fixed an issue on the Balances and Transactions page where inconsistent date formatting caused the Transaction Details pop-up to break. This fix ensures that clients can now access and view the Transaction Details pop-up.
October 16, 2024
We’re excited to introduce a new feature that allows clients to apply bill credits directly from the Pay Vendor Bills page. This enhancement optimizes your payment process, offering greater control, flexibility, and efficiency in managing your accounts payable workflows.
Key Features:
- Real-Time Bill Credit Application: Clients can now apply bill credits in real-time directly from the Pay Vendor Bills page. This streamlines the payment process and enables bill credits to be applied at time of payment.
- Precise Credit Management: The feature allows clients to apply bill credits per currency, per vendor, and across different A/P accounts. This functionality ensures credits are managed effectively according to your specific accounting workflows.
- Application Methods: We offer two methods for applying bill credits:
Auto-Apply: The Auto-Apply function simplifies the process by automatically applying the available bill credits to the open bills, applying available bill credits in order of due date, starting from the oldest moving to the newest.
Manual Apply: The Manual Apply function allows clients to select specific bill credits and determine the amount to apply to particular bills, giving them precise control over the allocation of bill credits.
- Seamless Integration: This feature is fully compatible with bill credits and discounts that are applied natively within the bill.
For more details on how to use the new Bill Credits Application feature, please refer to this page:
The discount on the Pay Vendor Bills page is now calculated based on the Amount Due, aligning with native NetSuite behavior and adhering to standard accounting principles. This update replaces the previous calculation method, which was based on the Original Amount, ensuring more accurate and consistent discount applications across your vendor payments. You will still have the flexibility to modify the calculated discount as needed, streamlining the payment process while enhancing efficiency.
September 20, 2024
Fixed an issue where newly mapped accounts were not appearing in the Account Linking tab under the Financial Institution page. With this update, accounts will now display correctly, ensuring a smoother account linking process for Bank Feeds Service.
September 11, 2024
Previously, the Amount Due value in the Confirm Payment would be incorrect when one of the bills has discounts or credits applied. This issue has been resolved so that the Amount Due field displays the total original amount due for all selected bills without any discounts or credits applied. The Total to Pay value will reflect the final payment value which may be reduced by credits and discounts.
August 26, 2024
The Confirm Payment pop-up now displays bank account balances instead of ERP account balances. It also supports accounts with long names for better clarity and usability.
Resolved an issue where certain accounts were not visible in the Confirm Payment pop-up and the Balances and Transactions page, ensuring all accounts are now properly displayed.
August 15, 2024
Fixed a bug that caused the Amount Due and Total To Pay columns to display incorrect amounts in the Confirm Payment pop-up.
August 14, 2024
The "Balance of Date" field in NetSuite's Match Bank Data module now provides a more accurate date. This update resolves the issue where incorrect dates were returned when an account’s balance information was unavailable.
The Bank Feeds product now has support for an extended list of BAI codes (458 and 158). This change will help minimize the need to manually add transactions with unsupported BAI codes and reduce errors caused when transactions with these codes are pushed into Netsuite.
Updated the Confirm Payment pop-up to now display Discount and Credit columns, along with the source account balance, for a more comprehensive overview during the payment process.
The source account will only appear in the Confirm Payment pop-up if the associated bank account has a number input in the Number field.
The Balances and Transaction page will now filter out accounts with no balances. The issue causing this functionality to stop working has been resolved.
July 17, 2024
Bank Feeds parser is renamed to provide clarity to clients as to which parser they are utilizing. FISPAN encourages all clients to migrate to the new Bank Feeds parser. The legacy bank feed parsers will now be named to CNB BAI2 Trans Feed [Old] and CNB CSV Trans Feed [Old]. Clients who utilize the legacy bank feed product or the new bank feed product will have no impact on their current connectivity.
Here is the guideline on migrating bank feeds:
June 12, 2024
Support for 1000+ Bank Accounts on the Balances Page
Fixed an issue on the Balance page where no accounts were displayed for clients with over 2000 accounts. The plugin now shows only the matched accounts from the FISPAN platform, ensuring all relevant accounts are shown.
May 17, 2024
We have fixed a bug that caused the Pay Bills page to glitch for clients with custom columns enabled after clicking "Pay." This issue only affected clients who updated to version 2024.5.0.
May 15, 2024
We've made improvements to the notification system, specifically for updating payment statuses after processing payments from the Pay Bills page. These enhancements ensure that notifications are delivered with greater speed, allowing you to receive important updates promptly.
We've resolved an issue where the Last Updated date for bank balances on the Balances and Transactions page and the Account Transfers page didn’t reflect the actual bank sync time. With this fix, the Last Updated date now accurately reflects the latest bank sync time and timestamps are consistent across all plugin pages.
We've addressed an issue on the Pay Bills page where the Payment Method column sorting wasn't functioning correctly. With this fix, the Payment Method column can be utilized to sort bills accurately.
We've resolved an issue where incomplete transactions caused errors when clicking the "View" button on the Transactions page. With this fix, you can now view transaction details even if data is missing and the page will remain functional.
April 10, 2024
The new Bank Feeds Service has been updated to handle large transaction volumes (1000+) more efficiently, minimizing the risk of timeout errors. This improvement doesn't affect client experience; clients can still pull in transactions as they normally would without any changes. There is no impact to users on the Legacy Bank Feeds.
March 13, 2024
Implemented a fix where the screen goes blank after clicking “View” on a pending transaction on the Balances & Transactions page. Clicking “View” will now populate the Transaction Details window as expected, but as the transaction is pending most fields will remain empty until they have settled.
February 14, 2024
We're introducing the latest enhancement: the new Bank Feeds product for the CNB NetSuite bundle!
Key Features and Benefits:
* Easy Setup: Get up and running within minutes! Say goodbye to the time-consuming process of creating a Format Profile for every bank account – you can now map ALL your accounts in a single Format Profile.
* Reduced Duplicate Transaction Risks: Minimize the likelihood of accidentally selecting and importing duplicate transactions.
* Enhanced Transaction Details: Enjoy a richer set of transaction details and increased data availability, ensuring a smoother reconciliation experience.
* Additional Balance Reporting: The Match Bank Data page will now display your bank balance.
Action Required:
To leverage the new Bank Feeds product, follow these steps:
* Update Your Bundle: Ensure you have the latest version of the CNB bundle installed.
* Setup Guidance: Refer to our setup guide for step-by-step instructions on using the new Bank Feeds product.
* Need Assistance? Book a guided session with our support team to walk you through the setup process.
Implemented error handling for non-JSON responses in FISPAN payment API calls, preventing unintended voiding of payments in NetSuite in rare edge cases.
January 17, 2024
A fix was applied on the export icon on the Pay Expense Reports page. Users should now be able to successfully export expense reports.
Some users who do not have the Employee ID field in NetSuite matching the Employee Name have reported issues with payments being refused by the bank due to an invalid beneficiary name. This fix allowed for the Employee Name to be passed along in the payment, rather than Employee ID.
Improvements were made to vendor bills export on the Pay Vendor Bills page so that column headers in the CSV file now align with default column headers on the Pay Vendor Bills page. A future version will include customized columns in the export!
December 6, 2023
General bug fixes and improvements to reliability.
November 15, 2023
We've enhanced the transaction details dialog box on the Account Details page of Balances & Transactions to improve the overall appearance and formatting of data. It will now better handle longer transaction data.
October 18, 2023
Customizable Filters are now available on the Pay Vendor Bills page. Users can add, rearrange, and remove filters on the Pay Vendor Bills page.
The ‘Customize: Pay Vendor Bills’ page that became available in a previous release for Customizable Columns now has a “Filters” tab where customizations can be made. Users can select from Available Filters to add to their Selected Columns. The ‘Available Filters’ list is based on standard Bill and Vendor record fields, as well as custom Transaction Body Fields on the Bill record. Filters in the 'Selected Filters' list denoted with a lock cannot be removed. Columns denoted with a dotted icon can be rearranged either by click-and-drag or by click-to-select, using the up/down arrows for repositioning. Users also have the option to reset their columns back to the default settings.
Unlike with the previous release for Customizable Columns, any customizations made to filters will be applied to both the Open Bills and Failed Bills tabs of the Pay Vendor Bills page. Any customizations made to filters or columns are saved at the user level and are not visible by other users in the same NetSuite environment.
To access this feature, a NetSuite Administrator will need to provision users with:
Access to the following Suitelet scripts:
* CNB Pay Bills
* CNB User Customization
Access to the below NetSuite User/Role Permissions:
* Custom Fields (Level: View)
* Subsidiaries (Level: View)
* Accounting Lists (Level: View)
* Set Up Company (Level: View)
* Manage Accounting Periods (Level: View)
Resolved a bug on the ‘Vendor: Vendor Name’ column sorting that occurred after the implementation of Customizable Columns.
The total of all applied bill credits in payments made through the bank plugin are now visible in FISPAN Remittance Advice emails.
On the Account Details page of Balances & Transactions, the date range users can export their bank transactions for has been limited to 65 days due to large date ranges causing the retrieval and export services to fail. Users will see a prompt on the Account Details page instructing them to select a date range up to 65 days. After export, an export status will appear on-screen.
September 21, 2023
Resolved a bug with a SuiteScript error preventing the Pay Vendor Bills page from being accessed.
September 20, 2023
French Canadian support is now available for column customizations on the Pay Vendor Bills page. Translations are not available by default for custom Transaction Body Fields on the Bill record. Translations on custom Transaction Body Fields can be added manually by clicking on the “Translation” tab of a Transaction Body Field and defining it on the “Label” field. Any translations added here will be reflected on the Pay Vendor Bills and Customize page.
To enable French Canadian, an Administrator must enable Multi-Language from Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features. From there, users can change the language by navigating to Home > Set Preferences. Below the General subtab under the Localization heading, select Français (Canada) in the Language drop-down. A user’s language preferences will not affect users on the same NetSuite Company.
Resolved a bug with bill payments to Vendors who have more than 10,000+ open bills were failing. This was caused by NetSuite’s count limit of 10,000 items, and was resolved by implementing back-end changes to filter the list of bills in the payment creation process to match the bills selected for the Vendor on the Pay Vendor Bills page.
Improvements were made to prevent NetSuite from failing payment status updates for voided bills.
August 25, 2023
Resolved a bug that arose from version 2023.8.2 that prevented the Failed Bills tab of the Pay Vendor Bills page from loading.
August 22, 2023
Added an additional patch to the bug resolution on 2023.8.1 relating to script error messages on the Pay Vendor Bills page. This patch includes additional validations on when NetSuite performs the subsidiary check.
August 18, 2023
Resolved an intermittent bug on the 2023.8.0 release causing script error messages on the Pay Vendor Bills page. This bug occurred because NetSuite was sometimes skipping a check to see if the user's NetSuite company has subsidiaries. Since NetSuite doesn't always perform this check, not all users would experience this issue. To avoid any disruptions, we highly recommend users to update to the latest version, 2023.8.1
August 16, 2023
Customizable Columns are now available on the Pay Vendor Bills page. Users can add, rearrange, and remove columns on both the Open Bills tab and Failed Bills tab of the Pay Vendor Bills.
A new page titled 'Customize: Pay Vendor Bills' is now accessible from the 'Pay Vendor Bills' page via a 'Customize' button. On this page, users can select from the Available Columns to add to their Selected Columns. The ‘Available Columns’ list is based on standard Bill and Vendor record fields, as well as custom fields on the Bill record. Columns in the 'Selected Columns' list denoted with a lock cannot be removed. Columns denoted with a dotted icon can be rearranged either by click-and-drag or by click-to-select, using the up/down arrows for repositioning. Users also have the option to reset their columns back to the default settings.
To access this new feature, a NetSuite Administrator will need to provision a user with:
Access to the following Suitelet scripts:
* CNB Pay Bills, CNB User Customization
Access to the below NetSuite User/Role Permissions:
* Custom Fields (Level: View), Subsidiaries (Level: View), *Accounting Lists (Level: View)
Please refer to our product guides below for a step-by-step walkthrough on how to enable and use this new feature:
Resolved an intermittent issue with the Pay Vendor Bills table not loading when filtering by certain Subsidiaries.
July 25, 2023
Resolved a bug introduced in plugin version 2023.7.0 and persisting in version 2023.7.1 where the Pay Vendor Bills page did not load in bills for users on non-OneWorld versions of NetSuite. Users on OneWorld versions of NetSuite are not affected by this bug.
July 20, 2023
Resolved a bug on the 2023.7.0 release causing script error messages in the bank plugin. This bug only impacts users who have Balances & Transactions and no other plugin functionality, such as Payables (i.e. Bill Payments).
July 19, 2023
Resolved bug on the Positive Pay Export button preventing users from exporting their Positive Pay Histories.
Additional logging was added to help better troubleshoot 4xx errors on failed payment requests.
June 14, 2023
A new custom record type titled "BANK User Customization" has been created to store user customizations on Pay Vendor Bills page for a future release of Customizable Columns and Filters. This new custom record type will have no impact on users in this June release.
Support for paying Employee Expense Reports via CNB's EasiLink Connector NetSuite bundle is now available. The Entity Bank Details bundle (ID 323878) is required to use this feature and must be updated to version 2022.8 or later.
Supported Payment Rails
* US Domestic ACH
* US Domestic Check
“Pay Expense Reports” Page
Navigating to CNB -> Payments -> Expense Reports will bring users to a page that enables the user to submit payments against Employee Expense Reports, similar to paying Vendor Bills. Only Expense Reports that have been approved by accounting will appear on this page.
"Payments History" Page
This page populates the history of all paid Vendor Bills and Expense Reports. Users may filter between seeing Bills or Expense Reports.
Employee Record
The Employee record must contain an address and an Employee Expense Currency. The Employee record also now shows two additional tabs on the submenu: CNB, and Entity Bank Details. The “CNB” subtab allows users to define a default payment method for this particular employee. The “Entity Bank Details” subtab will only appear if the bundle of the same name is installed and updated to the latest version. Clicking this subtab allows users to add/edit/delete payment information for the Employee.
Expense Report Record
The Expense Report record now shows an additional subtab titled “CNB”. Clicking this subtab on a PAID Expense Report will show relevant IDs, dates, messages, and statuses. On an unpaid Expense Report, fields in this section will remain empty.
Entity Bank Details Bundle
This bundle is able accept Employee payment information and is required to make Expense Report payments.
Further user guides on this new feature can be found here:
To enable this feature, please reach out to your NetSuite Administrator to be granted permissions to access the “CNB Pay Expense Reports” Suitelet and "Employee Record" with a level of "View" or higher.
May 17, 2023
Resolved a UI issue on the “Confirm Payments” pop-up on the Pay Vendor Bills page where the Payment Method shown occasionally defaulted to our backend system name, which may cause confusion.
This update is related to the Open Beta announced in the last release for French Canadian language support where the system was attempting to translate the names of SuiteScripts associated with the bank plugin and was causing problems. Translation logic was updated to exclude names of scripts.
On a Format Profile for a Financial Institution when your bank Connectivity Method is selected, a SSS_USAGE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED may be incorrectly triggered when it should have been a SUITESCRIPT_API_UNAVAILABLE_IN_DEFINE error. The SuiteScript API error was caused by calls being made outside of a specific function. The incorrect error messaging and the root cause of the SuiteScript API error has since been resolved.
Plugin Version is now something we can see and take into consideration when sending out in-ERP Billboard notifications.
April 20, 2023
OPEN BETA: French Canadian support now available. Users are now able to use the bank plugin in French Canadian. Text shown in menus, page names, column headers, among other areas in the plugin have been translated with the exception of error messages, which will remain in English. This feature is in open beta and we are open to any feedback or suggestions about this new language option.
To enable French Canadian, an Administrator must enable 'Multi-Language' from Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features. From there, users can change the language by navigating to Home > Set Preferences. Below the General subtab under the Localization heading, select Français (Canada) in the Language drop-down. A user’s language preferences will not affect users on the same NetSuite Company.
Updated Dashboard/Overview Page links to point at the correct pages of these new Product Guides.
Resolved issue where there is a blank error message when the payment fails on the NetSuite side, and not in the bank plugin. The SuiteScripts version update from 2.0 to 2.1 resulted in a change of how errors were handled in NetSuite.
Resolved UI issue on Pay Vendor Bills page. NetSuite version 2023.1 introduced some changes to their UI code that conflicted with the sticky elements that have been applied on the table in the Pay Vendor Bills page of the bank plugin. This sticky element is used to keep the rows with the Pay and Refresh buttons alongside the table headers “stickied” to the top of the screen when scrolling down the page.
Resolved issue where users could not dismiss the billboard banner notifications, even after clicking the ‘x’.
Resolved issue where clicking on the Export button on the Positive Pay History page did not trigger a file export download.
March 15, 2023
General bug fixes and improvements.
February 15, 2023
Added links to the footer for easier access to guides, release notes, feedback portal, and how to contact support.
January 19, 2023
The NetSuite plugin now displays a footer on the bottom of every page. The footer currently displays the bundle name and version and may show additional information in future versions.
Previously, the plugin’s Account–to-Account Transfer and Billboard Restlet were not accessible by non-Administrator roles. If users did not have access to this Restlet, they would see an error message indicating that they had Insufficient Permissions on the Account Transfers page or miss any notifications or alerts within the NetSuite plugin. It has now been updated so that users with minimum permissions can gain access to this Restlet. Suitelets are still only accessible by administrators. To get access to this new change, the user must update the plugin.
December 13, 2022
Resolved bug introduced in version 2022.21 where payments made on that version did not display the Payer Name on the Payment History page.
Resolved bug introduced in version 2022.21 where payments made on that version did not display the Payee Name on the Payment History page for Vendors that are considered "Individual" rather than "Company".
Bank plugin UI will now display why a payment fails when users try to use account numbers containing special characters that are stored in NetSuite’s Electronic Bank Payments bundle. This failure message will now show up on the “Failed Bills” tab on the Pay Vendor Bills page, as well as the Payment History page.
This bundle is not to be confused with FISPAN’s Entity Bank Details (EBD) bundle. If you are a user of EBD, you may safely ignore this message.
“Setup Required” banner and all associated “To start using this plugin…” text has been updated to include links to where users can complete the install wizard for both Production AND Sandbox.
November 24, 2022
Bug fix addressing missing Payer Name on failed bills on the Payment History page.
General bug fixes and improvements.
October 27, 2022
Notifications will now appear within your embedded bank bundle to notify you of bundle updates, new feature availability, outages or maintenance windows. All notifications except those for outages can be dismissed.
Fallback text “Auto-ACH” has been changed to “-” to reduce confusion. This text appears occasionally for failed payments under the Payment Method column on the Payment History.
September 30, 2022
Implemented logic to check for SuiteTax that fetches a different tax field if enabled so that users can make successful payments via their bank plugin.
UI fixes on the Payment History page.
September 1, 2022
General updates to the plugin.
General updates to the plugin.
August 18, 2022
Text change from “Bill # XXXXX” to “Transaction # XXXXX” on the Payment History page’s Payment Status pop-up.
Bug fixes on NetSuite connection check service throwing unnecessary errors.
August 4, 2022
Improved error messaging in ERPs to better highlight the cause of the issue and suggested next steps to resolve.
Nothing new here.
July 21, 2022
Voided bill payments that have been re-opened can now be paid in the CNB bundle without a duplicate error. See more information on Voiding and Repaying bills here:
Nothing new here.
July 4, 2022
Moved the ‘Payment type’ column to be first in the payment history page.
Updated export CSV to include new payment type column and new column headings.
Removed a filtering issue when multiple filters are selected.
Fixed an issue with failed transactions not showing for vendor bill payments.
June 23, 2022
Updated support site documentation links on the JPMC Treasury Exchange dashboard for the following: Release Notes, ACH Cutoff times, Training Resources.
Statuses shown under the Payment Status column of the Bill History page now open a “Status History” window on-click. This window displays the current and previous statuses with a timestamp and supplementary text to provide users greater visibility into the payment journey. This change will apply only to new payment status updates occurring after the NetSuite bundle has been updated. All existing payments, including those recently completed, will not display the full history.
General updates to the plugin.
June 9, 2022
General updates to the plugin.
Resolved bug on Balances and Transactions Account Details page where page turns up blank when some properties are not present.
May 26, 2022
General update to the plugin.
Resolved issue with processing bill payments when vendor credits are applied.
May 13, 2022
Support site documentation link added under the “Admin Documentation” column on the Installed Bundles page within NetSuite.
Switched column “DISC. AMT” and “AMT. DUE” positions on the Pay Bills page. “DISC. AMT” now appears to the left of “TO PAY” for better clarity.
Bug fix resolving issue with users getting stuck on the “Permissions” page when trying to match accounts in FISPAN.
April 29, 2022
General updates to the plugin.
Bug fix for FX Payments to address issues in the case where more than one bill is selected when a vendor has batching disabled. FX payments will now always batch regardless of vendor batching settings.
April 14, 2022
General updates to the plugin.
Addressed visual bug on Pay Bills page.
Currency symbol fixes on the Balances & Transactions page.
March 31, 2022
Fail payments with overridden billing address.
The “Sent for Processing” status message has been changed from “The payment request has been sent to your bank for further processing” to “Payment is scheduled for batching and has not yet been sent to the bank.”
General updates to plugin.
March 24, 2022
General updates to plugin.
Fixed the discount calculation process to include handling non-integer discount rates.
Fixed the Transactions page so that Transaction Details pop-ups with check images can now scroll properly.
March 17, 2022
Log native error properties from different stages in map/reduce script.
Bug fixes addressing payment statuses sending in the wrong order on NetSuite.
March 3, 2022
On the “Account Summary” page, POSTED transactions now show the status “Pending” in the Settled Date column.
Bug fixes causing duplicate payments for a few select users.
February 17, 2022
Nothing new here.
Visual bug fixes on Transactions page of Balances & Transactions to properly wrap text when transaction descriptions are long.
Visual bug fixes on the “Payments Successfully Received” banner after a bill has been paid.
Bug fixes on Positive Pay Transmit and IR Transaction Details pop-ups to accommodate 2022.1 release of NetSuite.
February 3, 2022
Nothing new here.
Bug fixes on Total Accounts value on Balances & Transactions Account Summary page.
January 20, 2022
Nothing new here.
Fixes to alerts dismissal on Dashboard Overview page. Once an alert is dismissed, it will not show up again for the same user using the same browser and machine.
Bug fixes on NetSuite account selector logic to show the default account if present.
January 7, 2022
Minor text updates on the Account Details page within Balances & Transactions for consistency across pages
Visual bug fixes applied to the Dashboard Overview page drop-downs that were not displaying properly on MS Edge browsers.
Bug fixes to resolve errors with maximum field lengths on the Positive Pay History page.
Fixes for the logic that determines number of Open, Failed and Overdue bills on the Dashboard Overview page
Bug fixes for the date filter calendar on Account Details page within Balances & Transactions.
Updated 10 Mar 2025
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