Payment Methods (Intacct)
From anywhere in Intacct, you can navigate to the Payment Method page. Click on your plugin and then Payment Methods to begin.

The Payment Method page enables you to manage payment information for each vendor. Click on the vendor you would like to manage by hovering over the vendor and selecting the Edit button.

The Payment Method pop-up will appear which allows you to add and store three different types of data: Bank Accounts, Addresses and Email Groups.
If you have any bank accounts, addresses or emails stored natively, they will be imported automatically upon installation of the plugin. They are not editable in the plugin. These accounts are indicated by the ERP icon next to the label.

On the Payment Method pop-up you can toggle on Combine Multiple Bills. This allows you to send multiple bills for the same payment method as one payment. For example, if you were processing five bills, you would be processing one payment instead.
You can also select a Default Payment Method from this dropdown. This will populate every bill for this vendor on the Pay Bills page with this payment method. It can be updated and changed every time. You can also change the payment method on the Pay Bills page for one-off payments, it will just not default in the future.

To add bank accounts, click on the Add Bank Account button. Select the Country and Currency of the bank account you would like to add.

Next, fill in the banking information based on the data provided to you. Be sure to enter a unique label. Once you have done that, click Validate Account Info.
Note: All Bank Accounts will be saved as a Checking account unless otherwise indicated by changing the Type of Account field.

Next, the account information will be validated. This ensures that the values you have entered allow you to pay only payment methods that are available based on the information provided. For example, it will not let you make an ACH payment if no Routing Number is provided.
However, the screen does not validate the accuracy of the information provided.
If the validation fails, you can return to the account details and modify the information. The information will now be re-validated.
If the validation is successful, you will be able to toggle the payment method on and off and save it.

The payment information will now be saved and can be accessed from the Payment Method pop-up. From here you can toggle payment methods on and off and you can edit records.

To add vendor mailing addresses, click on the Add Address button. Add your address details to the fields. After that, click Save Address.

If checkprint is enabled, this address will allow you to make checkprint payments to this address. You can disable an address by toggling it on and off or editing it.
