ACH Requirements
ACH payments are used to move funds within the US. All transfers must be in USD.
For NetSuite users, the Entity Bank Details bundle is required to process ACH payments through the plugin.
Please include the following required information for all payments to avoid potential delays or returns.
- The Entities full name, address, and phone number, are expected to be populated on the Vendor record.
- The Entity and Bill (where applicable) Billing Addresses must reside in the country of destination, matching the Entity Bank Details record.
- The Currency of the Entity Bill must be in USD.
Method: Domestic
Country: United States
Currency: USD
- Routing Number is Mandatory
- Account Number is Mandatory
All ACH payments must have a source account located within the US and have a currency of USD.
NetSuite Vendor Requirements
Summary of Requirements:
- Company Name (Max 140 chars)
- Type (Company or Individual)
- A US Address, without the use of the "override" feature
The company name, type and address of the vendor are required to be populated. This information lives on the Vendor record and resides in default fields as part of the base NetSuite. The phone number is optional. It is unacceptable to use the "Override" feature on the address, as this can interfere with extracting accurate address information.
Print on Check As will be used as the vendor name when populated. This is the beneficiary name that will be transmitted in any remittance.

NetSuite Vendor Bank Account Requirements
For NetSuite users, the FISPAN Entity Bank Details bundle is required to process ACH payments through the plugin. To learn more about this bundle, use the menu on the left to navigate to the NetSuite Plugin Setup.
Once installed, this bundle can be accessed via the Vendor record under the tab: "Entity Bank Details."
Summary of Requirements:
- Method = Domestic
- Country = United States
- Currency = USD
- The account must be marked as "PRIMARY"
- Type of Accounts (default = Checking)
- Account Number (Expected between 5 and 18 digits)
- Routing Number (Exactly 9 digits)

NetSuite Bill Requirements
In order to be eligible for payment, NetSuite bills must be in an OPEN state and marked as Approved.
Summary of Requirements:
- State = OPEN
- Approval Status = Approved
- For ACH payments, the billing address must be in the US and the "Override" toggle may not be checked for the address on the bill.
- For ACH payments, only bills in USD are acceptable.
- The Reference No. must be no greater than 35 characters.
- The Memo must be no greater than 140 characters, if provided.